Lifetime Ministerial Licensing & Ordination


The Sure Foundation Ecclesiastical Standard

The Sure Foundation was Established in 1973, Incorporated October 1977.  We consider Ordination an avenue of accreditation that supersedes all others.  Ordination is very serious to us, in the sense that our presbytery is endorsing your calling and ministry.  If you are eligible you will see and entry link below.

Introducing our newly designed Lifetime Ministerial License

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Proudly display your Ministerial credentials wherever the Lord leads you, to do the work He has called you to do.  Our new design will show your photo as well as your Ministerial License number.

New TSF Ministerial License

We ask you to be prayerful about your gift for this powerful new license.  The gift you consecrate unto God here will be dedicated to the present renovation, scholarships and other forms of outreach designed to establish His Covenant in the earth.

"But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for [it is] he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as [it is] this day." Deut. 8:18

"Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed." Act 3:25


Order your License here. 
To ensure your harvest, plant your seed or offering unto the Lord not TSF.
Let us pray, 'Father in Heaven, show me, by the person of the Holy Spirit, what the amount of my gift unto you should be. to The Sure Foundation Ecclesiastical Fellowship to provide support for the spreading of the Gospel. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.'  Now, you may wish to pause for a moment of meditation before the Lord.  Thank you for your gift, please place your order with the dropdown below.

Select Amount:



Did you know...?

As a student of The Sure Foundation Theological Institute,
at any degree level, you are now eligible to apply for, and receive,
one of the most underrated but powerful, door-opening credentials
that you can have for effective ministry?

What is it?
A Ministerial License


 If you desire to greatly increase your effectiveness to minister God's
where you would otherwise be restricted, then take a moment to read the following information.  You worked hard to earn it,
why not take advantage of it?!

In a genuine, God-given effort, we are campaigning to empower
you to acquire your Ministerial License with a generous
discount incentive.

Positive reasons for obtaining your
A Ministerial License



It opens doors for ministry that would normally not be open to you.  Imagine walking into a hospital in an emergency or a visitation situation to minister to someone in need of comfort or salvation and being denied because you do not possess ministerial credentials.   What would the repercussions be....?


Recognition; Police, executive administrators and institutional establishments such as hospitals and nursing homes, etc,. many times more than not, show respect to someone bearing authentic ministerial credentials.

۰ Endorses your right to perform baptisms, weddings, funerals and other legal applications.


۰ Access to hospitals, nursing homes, correctional institutions, schools,  and churches, etc.
۰ Credibility when establishing a church, counseling center, outreach ministry or seeking invitations to speak in various forms of Christian gatherings, etc.
۰ Discounts Many retail establishments such as Bible and bookstores, restaurants and hotels, often offer discounts to Licensed Ministers.


Why with us?  We provide legitimate Ecclesiastical Corporate endorsement of your ministerial license with 37 years of Ministerial Corporate support by keeping records that can verify your license authenticity by letter or phone.


Opportunity  You will be given password access to our Ministerial Community site where you will have the opportunity to communicate directly with over 700 licensed ministers.  There, you can exchange ideas, testimonies, ask questions, post prayer needs, and even post your ministerial web site.



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